8 Things We Learned From WWE Q1 Earnings Call, Full Conference Call Audio

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More Cinematic Content Coming In The Future

WWE felt that in a challenging environment they needed to think outside the box, and make content that was more visually appealing.

The company has produced three matches as of late with more cinematic elements, including the Firefly Funhouse and Boneyard matches at Wrestlemania 35, as well as the Gargono vs. Ciampa match during NXT television.

Vince McMahon wants to take advantage of their ability to create special content, and mentioned they have future plans to feature more cinematic content, which he called “mini movies”.

Will There Be Another WWE Event In Saudi Arabia In 2020?

WWE held one event in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia this past February, prior to the global pandemic.

McMahon mentioned that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia would want to do a show later in the year, but they are unsure if they can due to the current health crisis.

If the company cannot do the show, they will be able to add the show to the end of their deal, and still get the same revenue.

WWE is also still working on an updated television deal in the Middle East, but things are moving slowly, despite hoping it would be completed by now.

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