Angle To Setup SummerSlam Main Event Nixed From RAW (Spoiler) is reader-supported. When you click on links or make purchases through our site, we or our affiliated partners may earn a commission. Additionally, our site features Sponsored Content, which helps us maintain and operate the website.


SummerSlam Main Event Seemingly Confirmed


According to Dave Meltzer of Wrestling Observer Radio, WWE had plans to shoot an angle between Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton to setup a WWE Championship match at SummerSlam. The company pre-taped two episodes Monday, and the angle between the two may be on next week’s episode. This seemingly confirms the SummerSlam main event, which has been rumored for a number of weeks.

The though is Drew McIntyre will wrap up his current feud with Dolph Ziggler before building up an match with Randy Orton.

Randy Orton has seemingly ended his feud with The Big Show, defeating him in an unsanctioned match this past week. Drew McIntyre is set to face Dolph Ziggler for the WWE Championship on next week’s episode, where McIntyre picks the stipulation.

Due to an injury with Edge, his plans to face Randy Orton at this year’s event have been nixed.

WWE SummerSlam will air on Sunday, August 23 on pay-per-view and the WWE Network.

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