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In recent weeks, WWE has been playing out a kidnapping angle on NXT television.

The story involves masked men pulling talent into a vehicle and driving off. So far, Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde have been captured as part of the angle.

According to Dave Meltzer in the latest edition of The Wrestling Observer Newsletter, the angle will eventually lead to the introduction of Jorge Bolly fka El Hijo del Fantasma in Mexico.

The kidnapping spots on NXT are to lead to the introduction of Jorge Bolly, or whatever name El Hijo del Fantasma will go by. It’s the Simbianese Liberation Army storyline where the captives sympathize with their captors and Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde become his Patty Hearsts

Bolly signed with WWE in August 2019, but suffered a knee injury while training. He officially made his NXT in-ring debut at a live event in February. He worked a number of live events, including one dark match prior to NXT television on 3/4.

Under his former persona El Hijo del Fantasma, he is known for his work with CMLL, AAA, and Impact Wrestling. He also portrayed the King Cuerno character in Lucha Underground.

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