Becky Lynch Draws Huge Crowd At Signing Appearance, Lynch ‘Re-Injured’ At WWE Live Event is reader-supported. When you click on links or make purchases through our site, we or our affiliated partners may earn a commission. Additionally, our site features Sponsored Content, which helps us maintain and operate the website.


Lynch Draws Huge Crowd Ahead Of Elimination Chamber

Becky Lynch made an appearance this morning at the Cricket Wireless store in Houston, TX ahead of WWE Elimination Chamber.

Fans began lining up yesterday for a chance to be the first to see “The Man”. As of 2AM close to 70 fans were waiting outside the store. The number grew to over 300 in the early hours of the morning

As of 10AM several hundred fans聽 were waiting outside. Fans were lined up around the block in the morning as you can see in some of the video footage below.

Lynch is not scheduled to compete at WWE Elimination Chamber tonight due to a storyline suspension.

To further the angle, Lynch’s “injury” was made worst at the hands of Charlotte Flair at a live event last night in Alexandria, LA.


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