Bobby Lashley Wants To Have A Bare Knuckle Boxing Fight is reader-supported. When you click on links or make purchases through our site, we or our affiliated partners may earn a commission. Additionally, our site features Sponsored Content, which helps us maintain and operate the website.


Bobby Lashley plans on expanding his career into bare-knuckle boxing.

During a recent Instagram live session with former protegee Lio Rush, Lashley spoke on meeting with Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship promoters.

Lashley explained that when he ventured in MMA, it wasn’t done to win a World Title, but instead to try something he hasn’t done before.

He feels the same with bare-knuckle boxing and plans to speak to Vince McMahon about doing a match.

Lashley feels that once he competes in a bare-knuckle boxing match, he can be more legitimized as a fighter when he returns to the squared circle.

Check out his comments below.

Here’s a list of popular fighting styles in MMA, if you’re interested. One area where athletes still regularly cross into different disciplines is fighting.

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