CM Punk Takes Shot At Chris Jericho’s Election Tweet is reader-supported. When you click on links or make purchases through our site, we or our affiliated partners may earn a commission. Additionally, our site features Sponsored Content, which helps us maintain and operate the website.


Chris Jericho is being criticized following a tweet he posted in regards to the ongoing United States Presidential Election.

On Wednesday, Jericho reacted to delay in counting votes.

Im not a political person, but is it strange to anybody else, that for the first time ever, we have to wait a day…2 days…5 days…10 days…to find out who won the the presidential race?

Many fans brought up the fact that Jericho made a number of political donations, and had Donald Trump Jr. on his podcast.

Others spoke on the 2000 election which ended after a 36-day Florida recount.

Former WWE star CM Punk mocked Jericho’s tweet.

Others within the business gave their thoughts on Jericho’s tweet.


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