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WWE has begun the first week of introducing extra audience members, with friends and family in attendance at television tapings.

According to Wrestling Inc., having these audience members is part of the first phase to bring back full crowds.

Phase two would involve weening out NXT recruits, and just leaving friends, family and select number of fans who knows someone in the company.

During phase two, NXT recruits will be on standby in case extra people are needed in the audience.

Once WWE reaches phase three, only fans will be in attendance at the Performance Center and Full Sail University, likely with 50% capacity. This will give fans watching at home the idea that things are beginning to return to normal.

The final phase will involve touring for television and pay-per-view events, hopefully sometime in the fall.

Friends and family who were present at the tapings Monday were given COVID-19 tests following a positive case. They returned to the Performance Center Wednesday for tapings.

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