Drew McIntyre Says He’s Actively Pushing For A Major UK WWE PPV

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Kay Lee was then also asked about WrestleMania and having 5 Scottish champions in WWE:

“It was actually wolfgang that said to me as well. He was the one that came and nudged me and was like, you better keep a hold of that, and then when Nikki won, we were like this is going to happen. Wolfgang sensed it coming”

Wolfgang spoke about his relationship with Drew McIntyre:

“Drew and I first met in 2002, I saw an article in the newspaper, it was Jake The Snake who was going to be visiting this wrestling school, he was over here doing a tour. Drew was at that class and I maybe showed up the week after but this guy was always meant to be a star, he was the only one who looked like he was going to be a star. He was focused 100% on becoming WWE Champion. Not just a WWE Superstar, that’s hard enough, but to actually win the WWE Title, the guys gone and done it, and he’s been saying it since he was 16 years old. We grew up together, trained together, we were best friends.”

Later in the interview the Scots were asked about the potential of having a major PPV in the UK:

Drew: “It’s not just something I’m visualizing, I’m actively working and pushing and talking about whenever I do UK media. I’m always trying to think outside the box, Tyson Fury seems to want to get involved in something. If it takes getting a Battle Of Britain going to get a UK PPV i don’t care, all that matters is when things get back to normal, i want to get back home. All 5 of us on an open-top bus from the top of Scotland, take it right down through the UK to the bottom of England, on a big tour to get the country rallied up. Tell the world this is where there should be a big PPV. Look at SummerSlam ‘92, how mental the fans were. We know how passionate UK fans are, we know we would sell out Wembley Stadium, Hamden, it’s going to be a big deal.”

Wolfgang: “The fans would be so appreciative, you know every time the WWE puts on a live event here, it’s always a great audience. The NXT crowds are better than anything i’ve seen before, but let’s be honest, if you put us on a Scottish PPV, let’s say Hamden, it doesn’t get any more special than that.”

Kay Lee Ray was then asked on how NXT UK has changed the landscape:

“For other people looking in on us, it’s not something that you would have to move to America for. You can literally go to a training school and there could be someone with a link to NXT UK, It’s a straight link into WWE. It’s great to be a part of it.”

Drew then touched on the same topic:

“I’m so glad, NXT UK became the next step for the UK scene, to be part of this huge growth is phenomenal. WWE using certain stars on the NXT show itself  was great for the UK scene, like where do we go from here? We have a home base here, all the talent back home with a show to work on. You don’t have to come to America, NXT UK is amazing by itself. The crowd deserves its own place on the roster as they are part of the show. More than any crowd over here in America probably. When I got signed it wasn’t easy, It was 2007, I was the first Scottish guy signed from Scotland. I was literally picked up and dropped in America and basically told to figure out life. I struggled not having my parents there and having cameras, which was very different to the UK, and now having that home base you don’t need to leave the comfort of your own home.”


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