Fan Purchases Vince McMahon’s Designer Suit Jacket From Thrift Store In Florida is reader-supported. When you click on links or make purchases through our site, we or our affiliated partners may earn a commission. Additionally, our site features Sponsored Content, which helps us maintain and operate the website.


Redditor Buys Vince McMahon’s Designer Jacket For $45

You never know what you’ll find at a thrift store!

Redditor XxSpruce_MoosexX found Vince McMahon’s custom suit jacket a thirft store in Florida for $45.

The jacket, which was custom made, was originally purchased by McMahon from luxury clothing boutique Richard’s on Greenwich. The jacket retails for well over $2000, and is designed by Italian designer Ermenegildo Zegna.

Vince McMahon Suit Jacket
Vince McMahon Custom Suit Jacket – Credit: XxSpruce_MoosexX

I think it’s the same jacket he’s wearing in that photo. For reference I’m 5’11, 185 and I look like a child in it. Just sharing because it’s one of the cooler thrift store finds I’ve had. Happy huntin

$45 I paid lol funny enough I found Steve Harvey’s suit a few months back. Much cheaper quality than Vince haha

Haha I wish it fit! This is a custom made piece that was originally a 64 L. For reference I’m usually a very slim 52R or a 50R. The chest is absolutely massive and the shoulders are very padded. I need to a eat a ton of Wheaties to fill this out

Hey sorry don’t want to say exactly where but Florida, thrift store and it was $45

Photos shared show the tag that reads “VKM Vince McMahon Richards Of Greenwich 02.04.2019”. The jacket was worn during the April 24, 2020 edition of Friday Night SmackDown.

An eBay seller has listed another “ring worn’ Vince McMahon suit on eBay, which is listed at $900

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