‘Fans Could Be Back In Arenas By August and September’, Vince McMahon Attends Conference Call With President Trump

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Vince McMahon was among those in attendance on a conference call Saturday with United States President Donald Trump.

The call included 12 major sports commissioners and top executives including, NFL , MLB, NHL, NBA, MLS, WNBA, PGA, UFC, Indycar, LPGA, Breeders Cup, UFC, and WWE.

According to ESPN, sources familiar with the call sate that Trump hopes to have fans back in stadiums and arenas by August and September.

“Trump also said he hopes to have fans back in stadiums and arenas by August and September, sources said, though it is currently unclear if medical experts find that to be a realistic timeline amid the current coronavirus pandemic.”

Trump noted the idea that leagues could lobby for entertainment tax credits, deducting taxes from concessions and tickets.

WWE has canceled all events for the month of April, and expects to cancel their next pay-per-view after Wrestlemania, Money in the Bank, which is scheduled for 5/10 in Baltimore.

WWE has been pre-recording matches at the Performance Center in Orlando, FL. The company has television taped until the RAW after Wrestlemania.

Florida is currently under a 30-day stay-at-home order, which prevents WWE from recording any additional programming at their training facility.

It’s unclear how WWE plans to proceed with content following RAW this Monday.

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