Former WWE Referee Mike Chioda Says WWE Sometimes Re-Hires People To Bury Them is reader-supported. When you click on links or make purchases through our site, we or our affiliated partners may earn a commission. Additionally, our site features Sponsored Content, which helps us maintain and operate the website.


Mike Chioda recently took part in a Q&A with where he discussed WWE releases and the process to bring talent back to the company.

During the Q&A, the former WWE referee was asked how WWE decide who they bring back and who they don’t following a release on bad terms.

“Sometimes it’s a money thing. It’s not even who does the job, I think it’s all about the money. I’ve known guys who were in the company and they may have done something wrong years ago or did the company wrong. If they want to get you, they have to hire you back to get you if that makes sense. Once they hire you back, then they can get you. Now they can do what they want with you. Do they want to job you out every week? Do they want you to look stupid? I’ve heard things go down. Unfortunately, sometimes you see somebody that buried the company every which way and talk s**t about the company. You think to yourself, that guy will never be back. People who say I’ll never be back, I tell them never say never in this business. If there’s money to be made five years down the road with this guy again, Vince will hire him back. He will make the money and then decide what to do with him after that.”

Chioda also mentioned that WWE sometimes bring talent back to bury them, saying that “If they want to get you, they have to hire you back to get you if that makes sense”

Credit to ‘Mailbag Monday’ with Mike Chioda on AdFreeShows. Special thanks to for the transcription.

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