Justin Roberts Officially Signs Contract With All Elite Wrestling

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Ring announcer Justin Roberts has officially inked a deal with All Elite Wrestling.

Roberts has been working with AEW since April, but has yet to sign an exclusive deal with the company until now.

Roberts took to social media and stated the following –

Breaking ‘news’: 5 years to the week when it ended and I thought my final announcement had been made, the Khantract has been signed and it’s officially time to begin, again,” Roberts wrote. “Thank you to every one of you who has supported me over the years and asked me to ‘come back’. And thank you to AEW for believing in me. Tony, Cody, Nick, Matt, Kenny, Brandi, Dana, Chris’ and Co. have created something so special and as a fan and as an announcer, I am beyond excited and HAPPY to be part of it. #ImWithAEW #butonpapernow #BeginAgain #AEW #AEWDynamite #FollowYourDreams and just as importantly #NEVERGIVEUPONYOURDREAMS”


Justin Roberts was an announcer with WWE for 12 years, ending his tenure with the company in 2014. Roberts was very candid in his experiences with WWE, both good and bad, and outlined them in his book “Best Seat in the House: Your Backstage Pass through My WWE Journey”.

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