Kofi Kingston Considering Retirement When Latest WWE Contract Expires

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Kofi Kingston Speaks On Possible Retirement

Kofi Kingston recently revealed he signed a new five-year deal with WWE.

While speaking with Newsweek, Kingston spoke on plans to possibly hang up the boots once his contract expires in 2024.

“I’ve definitely thought about that. Five years is such a long time away, but you’d be a fool if you didn’t plan ahead.” Kingston stated. “It’s really early to say, but at the end of this five years [it] might be the end of my career, not just from an injury or physical perspective, but just not being home.”

While the physical toll on the road can be taxing to a WWE Superstar, being away from your family affects more than yourself.

Kingston stated, “Being away from my kids is very difficult. We had to go an extra day last week and we had a live event and then media day in Minneapolis, and then we had TLC and then I came home Monday and then back on the road Tuesday. I’m doing the WWE holiday party in Stanford. And then I’ll go back home and come back to New York early on Friday to do a whole bunch of interviews and the live taping.”

I’m considering hanging them up at the end of this five-year period, but you just don’t know. I don’t know what’s going to happen next week, but it has crossed my mind for sure.  

Kingston signed a deal with WWE in 2006, and was assigned a role with developmental territory Deep South Wrestling.

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