Kofi Kingston vs. Daniel Bryan Expected To Headline WWE Fastlane

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Kofi Kingston To Get WWE Championship Opportunity

Kofi Kingston is currently the front-runner as Daniel Bryan’s opponent at WWE Fastlane on 3/10 according to Dave Meltzer at Wrestling Observer.

Monday morning, WWE had plans in place for both Fastlane and Wrestlemania, that did not involve Kofi Kingston. Today, it seems WWE had changed their mind, and is expected to go forward with Kingston vs. Bryan at Fastlane next month.

This change is based on the response Kofi Kingston has got in the last week for his performance in the Guantlet Match last Tuesday, and the reaction he got at Elimination Chamber this past Sunday.

As of yesterday it was expected WWE would do a Six-Pack Challenge between Kofi Kingston, AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton, Samoa Joe, and Rey Mysterio tonight on Smackdown. It’s unknown if those plans remain, and Kofi wins that match, of if other plans are in place that ultimately have Kingston facing Bryan at Fastlane.

These last minute changes may also affect the original WWE Championship plans for Wrestlemania. Daniel Bryan was set to face someone making a return, rather than a current Smackdown regular.

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