Matt Hardy Issues Statement On Jeff Hardy’s Arrest is reader-supported. When you click on links or make purchases through our site, we or our affiliated partners may earn a commission. Additionally, our site features Sponsored Content, which helps us maintain and operate the website.


Matt Hardy issued a statement following the arrest of his brother Jeff Hardy this past Thursday.

Since so many have asked me about my brother tonight-I love my brother & want him to be happy & healthy. I’ve expressed that to him as much as I can. Jeff has to make his decisions about his life. I have to focus on my 2 boys & soon to arrive son. I can only control MY actions.

Jeff Hardy was arrested on 10/3 in Moore County, NC for driving while impaired, and with a suspended licence. This is Hardy’s second impairment arrest in 2019. He was booked for public intoxication this past July in Myrtle Beach, SC.

Image Credit: Moore County / TMZ

WWE issued the following statement yesterday following reports of Hardy’s arrest.

“Jeff Hardy is responsible for his own personal actions.”

Jeff Hardy is currently out of action rehabbing a knee injury.

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