Mickie James On Mark Carrano Firing: “I Take Zero Pride Or Joy In The Fact That Someone Would Lose Their Job’

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Former WWE Superstar Mickie James has issued a lengthy statement following the “trash bag incident” that occurred after her release from the company.

WWE Senior VP of Talent Relations Mark Carrano was fired after released talent were sent their personal belongings in trash bags.

James issued the following statement on Twitter.

“I would like to address this one last time, then we can all move on. I have so many amazing things on the horizon. The last thing I desire it to have any of that tainted with ugliness and negativity. I take zero pride or joy in the fact that someone would lose their job ever. Especially someone I considered a friend. I am confident that Vince & the McMahons had no idea that this is how we were sent packing. It hurt a fragile me much more ten years ago when my belongings arrived on my doorstep, because WWE was my everything. I’ve grown as woman and a person as much as we all have in this business. I am stronger today than I’ve ever been and smart enough to know that it wasn’t a deliberate attack on me. However, the symbolism can not be denied. I am sorry that a thoughtless and tone deaf act would cost anyone their job. But I am not sorry that I had the courage to ensure it will never happen to anyone else moving forward. So if that’s my final mark in this company moving forward I am ok with that. When I first started in this business one of the best pieces of advice I received was, “Just leave the business better than you found it kid” and that has always been my ultimate goal. I love you all so much. I am legitimately grateful for my time at WWE and throughout my whole career. I am looking forward to everything that is next. I truly hope you are too and perhaps you will join me.
Sincerely and Humbly Yours,
Mickie Laree James-Aldis”

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