Mike Rome On WWE’s New Rules, ‘You Can’t Use Your Characters For Outside Stuff, Basically Is What It Comes Down To’

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WWE announcer Mike Rome didn’t seem bothered by a new edict Vince McMahon implemented for talent within the company.

During a Twitch stream, Mike Rome spoke on WWE’s new rules, not allowing performers to engage in 3rd party deals. Based on his comments, it seems WWE talent can still continue to stream on platforms like Twitch, as long as they use their real names.

You can’t use your characters for outside stuff, basically is what it comes down to” Rome stated. “We still work there, everyone still does. It just keeps it so what you are in the ring, and what you are in your personal life are just separate things, which is good,”

On Thursday, Vince McMahon informed WWE talent via email to cease any 3rd party deals. Non-compliance can result in fines, suspension, or termination.

WWE has yet to comment.

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