NJPW Sets Capacity Of 20,000 Fans For Wrestle Kingdom 15

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New Japan Pro-Wrestling has set a capacity limit for their Wrestle Kingdom 15 event.

Takami Obari, the new president of New Japan Pro-Wrestling revealed the company will set a cap of 20,000 patrons inside the Tokyo Dome for both nights of Wrestle Kingdom.

“It will be around 20,000 people, but I want to put in the limit.” Obari stated in an interview with Tokyo Sports.

Wrestle Kingdom 14 was also held over two nights, with the first show having an attendance of 40,000, and the second show having an attendance of 30,000.

Obari was announced the new NJPW President and CEO last month during a board of directors meeting. He officially took the position on 10/23, replacing Harold Mejj, who held the the position since 2018.

Wrestle Kingdom 15 will be held on January 4 and January 5, 2021.

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