NWA Returns To PPV This June WIth ‘When Our Shadows Fall’

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The National Wrestling Alliance will return to pay-per-view on Sunday, June 6 exclusively on FITE TV.

FITE issued the following press release.

The National Wrestling Alliance presents “When Our Shadows Fall,” LIVE on PPV June 6th at 4 PM EST. Exclusively on FITE

New York–April 23, 2021 – The National Wrestling Alliance is proud to announce a 2nd live and worldwide television event, “When Our Shadows Fall”—presented exclusively on FITE. “When Our Shadows Fall” will feature NWA stars such as World’s Heavyweight Champion Nick Aldis and National Champion Chris Adonis, plus Women’s Champion and AEW star Serena Deeb. Also appearing will be NWA Tag Champions Aron Stevens and Kratos, TV Tile Champion Pope, and Kamille, Trevor Murdoch, Tyrus with his manager Austin Idol, Thunder Rosa, Thom Latimer, Tim Storm, Taryn Terrell, and Melina—all scheduled and ready for in-ring action.

‘When Our Shadows Fall’ will feature an exclusive and newly recorded effort from Smashing Pumpkins guitarist Jeff Schroeder, who was asked by NWA President William Patrick Corgan to write a song representing the PPV’s dark and ominous circus-like theme.

Says Corgan: “We ask our fans from all over the globe to join us as we continue to build on the 73 years-and-counting tradition of the National Wrestling Alliance. It’s an awesome legacy to have to navigate, but as you’ve seen recently with Triller’s headline-making acquisition of FITE, the future of television and live broadcast events is in the digital sphere.”

So join NWA hosts Joe Galli, Tim Storm, Velvet Sky, Kyle Davis, and May Valentine, live and glittering from GPB Studios in Atlanta. Only on PPV from FITE.

Now available globally on FITE: CLICK HERE to pre-order WHEN OUR SHADOWS FALL

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