NXT ‘New Year’s Evil’ Television Special Announced

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WWE Revives Another WCW Event Name

WWE announced the next NXT television special will be titled ‘New Year’s Evil’ on 1/6/21. The announcement was made during Sunday’s NXT WarGames pay-per-view.

WWE.com announced the following.

“Ready for 2021? Prepare to ring in the new year with the black-and-gold brand!

NXT will present New Year’s Evil on Wednesday, Jan. 6.

How will the Superstars of NXT kick off 2021? What will the new year hold for champions Finn Balor and Io Shirai? Who will step up to take center stage, as the calendar turns toward a new era for the black-and-gold brand?

Find out by tuning in to NXT New Year’s Evil, Wednesday, Jan. 6, at 8/7 C on USA Network”

The event name was originally used in WCW for a special edition of Monday Nitro on 12/27/99. Original plans had a pay-per-view special for New Year’s Eve which would feature a WCW event and Kiss concert on the same night, those plans were ultimately scrapped.


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