Order John Cena’s New Book and Get A Free Personalized Video Message

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John Cena will be recording personalized video messages for those who purchase his new book Elbow Grease: Fast Friends.

In order to qualify for the video message, you must order the book, and upload the receipt to JohnCenaBookVideo.com. The offer runs until 10/4, and has a limited amount of offers available.

Check out Cena’s message below.

Elbow Grease and his monster truck brothers are hardly prepared when they meet Chopper, a speedy, purple monster motorcycle. Chopper wants to be friends with the brothers, who are more than impressed with her epic skills! But when the trucks start to get jealous of her talents, they must learn to overcome their frustrations and welcome a new friend into the group–especially when it’s up to them to work together to save the day! Elbow Grease and gang are back in another rip-roaring adventure, in John Cena’s third installment in the series!


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