Original Wrestlemania 35 Plans Rumor Killer?

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In our past weekend edition of The Wrestling Rumor Mill we published a report on possible original plans for Wrestlemania 35. The report from Wrestlevotes stated that at one time there was plans for The Rock to win Royal Rumble and face Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania 35.

That obviously could not happen now due to Roman Reigns dealing with leukaemia, but according to Dave Meltzer at The Wrestling Observer, there was never a plan for that to happen.

Dave responded to this report on The Wrestling Observer forums stating he checked on the report, and it is not true at all.

Wrestlevotes took to Twitter to stand by his source, who in the past has provided good information. Wrestlevotes was the first to report yesterday that a “First Time Ever” match would take place at Smackdown. That story did end up being correct as Mustafa Ali faced Daniel Bryan.

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