R-Truth Says Brock Lesnar Is Pitching Ideas For Them To Work Together In the Future

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Brock Lesnar is apparently high on working with WWE veteran R-Truth.

During the Royal Rumble go-home episode of Monday Night RAW, Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman, and R-Truth had a segment together.

According to R-Truth, Brock Lesnar was a big fan of the segment, and wants to continue to work with him in the future.

During an interview with Uproxx With Spandex, R-Truth stated him and Lesnar spoke after the segment

“Brock actually has been pitching ideas. He wants to work with me doing something because of that segment. He pitched a couple ideas. He and I talked afterwards. The sky’s the limit. This business is always changing, and I’m always changing with things.”

Brock Lesnar has been on every episode of Monday Night RAW so-far in 2020, and based on Truth’s statements, we should be seeing the two interact once again in the future.

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