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Velveteen Dream Backstage AT RAW

Velveteen Dream hasn’t been seen on WWE television since December 23rd when he lost to Adam Cole during an episode of NXT on USA. According to Dave Meltzer of, Velveteen Dream was backstage at this week’s Monday Night RAW. The reason why he was at the ThunderDome is unknown.

Velveteen Dream is backstage at Raw. No idea if he’s there for the show, but he hasn’t been around of late.

This past February, ahead of NXT TakeOver: Vengeance Day, Triple H was asked for an update on Velveteen Dream during a media call. He stated Velveteen Dream was training, and still on the NXT roster.

Velveteen Dream (real name Patrick Clark) was accused of sending explicit photos of himself to a minor on social media last year. He denied the accusations, stating a private photo of himself was shared without his permission.

After the allegations were made public, Triple H spoke with CBS Sports, claiming nothing was found during internal investigations. He later reiterated his stance during an NXT media call last fall, stating the company has “moved on”.

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