Rusev Announces He Has Tested Positive For COVID-19 (Video) is reader-supported. When you click on links or make purchases through our site, we or our affiliated partners may earn a commission. Additionally, our site features Sponsored Content, which helps us maintain and operate the website.


Former WWE Star Confirms He Tested Positive For Virus

Miroslav Barnyashev, better known as former WWE star Rusev has tested positive for COVID-19.

He revealed the diagnosis during a Twitch stream Sunday, stating he got a phone call from a doctor confirming the results.

Rusev says he previously tested negative for the virus, but the doctor confirmed the results over the phone.

“I am absolutely positive for COVID-19. I am absolutely, 100 percent, super mega incredibly positive.” Rusev stated. “I feel great. I kinda knew that with the whole smell and taste situation and now this just confirms it.”

Rusev’s wife Lana recently revealed both her parents tested positive for the virus. In a recent Youtube video she revealed that both are doing better, despite her mother spending time in the hospital last week.

You can watch his announcement below.


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