Report: This Week’s NXT Episode Created A ‘Frenzy’ With WWE Editing Team is reader-supported. When you click on links or make purchases through our site, we or our affiliated partners may earn a commission. Additionally, our site features Sponsored Content, which helps us maintain and operate the website.


WWE ran a different format for this week’s NXT broadcast on the USA Network.

According to PWInsider, all interviews featured during the broadcast were filmed Tuesday at WWE Performance Center in Orlando.

Tom Philips and Triple H were filmed at WWE’s television studio at Titan Towers in Stamford, CT.

WWE’s editing team worked down to the wire to get this week’s episode together in time to air on the USA Network.

Once that material was filmed, WWE’s editing team worked with a frenzy to get the episode put together in time for it to air on time on the USA Network. We are told that they were literally down to the wire and got the episode completed 100% not long before they were scheduled to air.

The show did not make mention of Wrestlemania being a two-night event due to it being filmed before the announcement.

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