Titus O’Neil Says He’s Spoken To Sonya Deville Following Hostage Attempt

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Sonya Deville was the victim of a break-in Saturday night, with a suspect now in custody, facing charges of aggravated stalking, armed burglary, attempted kidnapping, and criminal mischief.

WWE star Titus O’Neil spoke to WFLA Sunday afternoon, indicating he has spoken to Sonya Deville following the scary incident that occured inside her home.

“I have spoken to her and I’m glad she’s safe and I’m thankful and grateful that the sheriff’s office took care of the situation immediately. Celebrity status aside this is sickening. I am a product of a sexual assault and have zero-tolerance or respect for any human being that would violate a person’s privacy and or personal space.”

According to authorities, Phillip A. Thomas II had been stalking a Deville over the last few years on social media. He reportedly admitted he traveled to Florida from South Carolina with plans to take her hostage.

Deville called police, and left her residence with a friend while Thomas was still inside her home. When deputies arrived they arrested him, and revealed he was carrying a knife, plastic zip ties, duct tape and mace.

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