Triple H Claims Nothing Was Found In Velveteen Dream Investigation is reader-supported. When you click on links or make purchases through our site, we or our affiliated partners may earn a commission. Additionally, our site features Sponsored Content, which helps us maintain and operate the website.


Triple H has made a public statement regarding allegations levied against NXT star Velveteen Dream.

In an interview with CBS Sports, Triple H stated Velevteen Dream’s recent absence from WWE was due to a car accident. He responded to questions regarding allegations made during the #SpeakingOut movement, stating the company took them seriously, but ultimately found nothing.

“You know, in this day today, accusations are made and you take them all very seriously,” Levesque stated to Brent Brookhouse of CBS Sports  “You look into them the best you can, and you find out what is there and what isn’t. In this situation, [Clark] was also involved in a car accident. That’s what took him off TV. In the moment, all this other stuff happens and you look into it and you find that there is a situation that people bring to everyone’s attention, you look into it and find that it is what it is and there’s nothing there.

Velveteen Dream was accused of sending inappropriate messages to a minor, who has since went public with screenshots of their conversations.

“Everything that we have done, we are comfortable with him continuing to do what he does and everything else. But he had a car accident. It stemmed down to people thought we removed him from TV for different reasons. We didn’t. He was in a car accident.”

Triple H states once Dream was medically cleared to return to in-ring action, he was brought back.

“Once he was medically cleared to be able to return to the ring from his car accident, we continued forward the way we did. We looked into what was there and we didn’t find anything.”

Josh Fuller, one of Dream’s accusers tweeted the following following his return to television. He alleges nobody contacted him regarding an investigation.

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