Update On Humberto Carrillo After Match Stopped During WWE RAW

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Humberto Carillo Said To Be ‘OK’ After Bad Landing

Things didn’t go as planned Monday Night during a match between WWE United States Champion Sheamus and Humberto Carillo.

According to PWInsider, multiple WWE sources state Humberto Carrillo is ‘OK” after a bad landing that halted the match against The Celtic Warrior.

The match ended after Carillo attempted a Sunset Flip Powerbomb from the ring apron to the floor, the landing was bad and Sheamus crashed onto his knee.

After the ref checked on Carillo, the match was stopped and Sheamus was declared the winner. WWE.com listed the following

“United States Champion Sheamus def. Humberto Carrillo via referee stoppage: After suffering several brutal assaults at the hands of Sheamus in recent weeks, Humberto Carrillo battled The Celtic Warrior in a hard-fought matchup. However, before a winner could be decided, Carrillo’s high-risk maneuver backfired and left him unable to continue.”



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