Vince McMahon Saw Nearly 10% Growth In Wealth During Pandemic is reader-supported. When you click on links or make purchases through our site, we or our affiliated partners may earn a commission. Additionally, our site features Sponsored Content, which helps us maintain and operate the website.


Despite the on-going coronavirus pandemic, WWE CEO and Chairman Vince McMahon’s has continued to see an increase in wealth.

Political advocacy groups Americans For Tax Fairness, Health Care for America Now and the Connecticut Citizen Action Group have compiled data showing wealth increases for United States billionaires from March to June 2020.

According the report, Vince McMahon’s worth has grown nearly 10% amid the coronavirus pandemic. It’s estimated his worth grew $177 million from March to June. He is now worth an estimated $1.98 billion.

Vince McMahon made a number of business decisions during the pandemic, including filing bankruptcy for his XFL league, making major cuts in WWE, and halting production for live events. Despite all these factors, he still managed to see an increase in wealth.

Ann Pratt, organizing director for the Connecticut Citizen Action group issued the following statement to the Middletown Press.

It is this kind of enormous wealth gap and imbalance that threatens the livelihood of so many Americans, and we also believe it threatens the economic growth and stability moving forward, which is also a huge point of this effort,” said Ann Pratt, organizing director for the Connecticut Citizen Action Group.

(H/t to Lavie Margolin for bringing bringing this information to light)

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