Wrestler’s React To Mae Young Classic Competitor Priscilla Kelly’s “Bloody Tampon” Spot

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The wrestling world is at odds during an interesting spot that occurred during a Suburban Spot event titled “Last Warning”.

During a match between Priscilla Kelly and Tuna, Kelly proceeded to pull a “used tampon” from her ring gear, and shoved it in Tuna’s mouth.

The incident took place during Suburban Fight event, which was headlined by Darby Allin v.s. Brody King. The event was promoted as having “No Ring, No Rules”

Kelly stated the spot was a part of the show, and was not to be taken serious.

Many stars in the world of pro wrestling have now reacted to the spot, with some being very negative, including WWE creative member Road Dogg.  Matt Hardy’s wife defended Kelly, and stated “men are afraid of/*disgusted* by women doing things that aren’t pretty”.


Road Dogg apologized for his comments, after receiving a lot of backlash, considering the WWE has done similar things in the past.

During The King Of The Ring in 2000, Pat Patterson pulled out a maxi pad in his match against Gerald Brisco.

Priscilla Kelly was a competitor in WWE’s 2018 Mae Young Classic tournament.

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