WWE Delays Monday Night RAW TV Taping

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WWE Monday Night RAW Taping Delayed

WWE has delayed today’s Monday Night RAW television taping at the Performance Center in Orlando, FL.

According to PWInsider, WWE was scheduled to begin filming tonight’s episode of RAW at 1:00 p.m, but has yet to tape any content due to delays.

The report indicates the company is re-working original plans, and the belief is due to talents originally scheduled to be on the show no longer being able to perform, but that has yet to be 100% verified.

PWInsider.com is told the company is deep into re-working their original plans for today’s taping.  There is a belief among some we have spoken to that the re-writes are due to talents originally written into the show no longer being available to perform but PWInsider.com has been unable to 100% verify that is correct.  It is entirely possible the poor reaction to Extreme Rules led to changes in direction.  The show received one of the worst post-show poll responses in recent memory here on the site.

It’s possible Vince McMahon could be re-writing the show due to negative reaction to last night’s Extreme Rules pay-per-view, but that is purely speculation at this point.

WWE is scheduled to tape two episodes of RAW today, as well as RAW Talk and Main Event.

As further details emerge, an update will be provided.

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