WWE Extreme Rules Spoilers: Details On Wyatt Swamp Fight

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WWE has completed filming of the Wyatt Swamp fight between Braun Strowman and Bray Wyatt ahead of this Sunday’s The Horror Show at Extreme Rules pay-per-view.

According to Wrestlevotes, the filming was done overnight Thursday. The shoot was said to have delays. Following the shoot, Braun Strowman took to Instagram stating he was scheduled to go back to work at 10:00 a.m. Friday for SmackDown.

Wrestling Inc. has gathered additional details on the match, stating the filming location was approximately two hours outside of Orlando.

The filming lasted between 6 – 7 hours, and multiple takes were done to ensure all angles were covered for editing purposes. Some parts were filmed multiple times.

The match will likely be 20 – 30 minutes after editing. WWE used several reptiles during the shoot, including an alligator and a snake.

The finish of the match is going to be similar to Jason from The Friday The 13th movies. Someone is supposed to be taken away, or disappear. This will allow the feud to continue.

For the finish, we were told that it’s something like Jason from Friday The 13th and a horror movie where someone is taken away or disappears. That person will return to continue this feud.

Vince McMahon was not involved, and differences in the final cut of the match will differ from other recent cinematic matches.



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