WWE Talent Reprimanded In Recent Weeks, Frustration With Bruce Prichard

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WWE’s current creative and storyline plans fall directly under WWE CEO Vince McMahon and Executive Director Bruce Prichard, according to a report from PWInsider.

Prichard was described as ‘very much the gospel’ for Vince McMahon. This results in talent being frustrated with Prichard privately over creative and storyline plans. It was also noted that Prichard is the most powerful person in WWE outside of the McMahon family, with every creative plan flowing through him.

It was noted that Triple H filled in for Prichard on this week’s edition of Monday Night RAW, which was a “breath of fresh air” for some several people backstage.

PWInsider also reports that there has been a strict edict for TV time cues. This is due to WWE Superstars and Producers being reprimanded for going over their time limit in recent weeks, including Survivor Series.

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