WWE Star Paige’s Twitch Account Banned After Streaming ‘Dumb and Dumber”

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Paige Faces Twitch Ban For Streaming Movie

WWE star Paige has been banned from Twitch after she was reportedly streaming scenes from the movie Dumb and Dumber.

Twitch Channel: @OfficialSaraya

According to viewers, Paige, who streams as SarayaOfficial, was hosting an Amazon Watch Party when her broadcast was cut mid-stream.

One viewer sent HeelByNature a message indicating the stream stopped during Jeff Daniels’ infamous toilet scene.

Streamer Bans, a Twitter account that tracks bans was first to make light of the situation.

According to Twitch’s guidelines, suspensions can range from 0-30 days, with multiple violations leading to an indefinite suspension. It’s unknown if she had previous strikes.

Temporary suspensions range from one to 30 days. After the suspension is complete, you will be able to use our services once again. We keep a record of past violations, and multiple suspensions over time can lead to an indefinite suspension.

Twitch posted the following regarding DMCA copyright complaints.

We will respond to clear and complete notices of alleged copyright infringement. Our copyright procedures are set forth in the DMCA Guidelines. Individual copyright violations will result in immediate removal of the content, temporary suspension (where the claim is directed at a live stream), and receipt of a copyright infringement strike. Repeat copyright violations will result in an indefinite suspension of your account. Copyright infringement strikes may be reversed upon receipt of valid counter-notification. Details on what must be contained in a valid counter-notification are also contained in the DMCA Guidelines.

Last year, several WWE stars shut down their Twitch channels after a new company edict indicating talent can no longer be involved in third-party business relationships. Paige continued to stream under her real name.

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