WWE Teases Taya Valkyrie’s NXT Debut

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Taya Valkyrie’s long-awaited WWE NXT debut is teased for the first night of NXT’s move to Tuesday nights.

During this week’s episode of NXT on USA, a dog visited the Capitol Wrestling Center, and later in the program, a graphic aired with the same dog that read “See You April 13 Franky”. The dog used in the segment is believed to be Taya Valkyrie’s dog Presley.

Taya Valkyrie retweeted a USA Network post that said “If that’s who we think it is… @WWENXT is gonna be loca in April 13th.”

WWE recently filed a trademark for the name Franky Monet. It’s unknown if they plan to use that name for Taya Valkyrie or her dog.


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