Three People Who Attended Independent Wrestling Show Test Positive For COVID-19 is reader-supported. When you click on links or make purchases through our site, we or our affiliated partners may earn a commission. Additionally, our site features Sponsored Content, which helps us maintain and operate the website.


Three wrestling fans have tested positive for the novel coronavirus following a wrestling event in North Queensland, Australia.

According to 9News, three fans tested positive for COVID-19 after attending Pro Wrestling Power’s Shamrocks and Shenanigans event on March 14.

The event was hosted at the Edmonton PCYC, which issued the following statement on Facebook.

“PCYC Queensland was today informed that a person who attended an-externally run wrestling event held at PCYC Edmonton on 14 March has been confirmed as contracting COVID-19. Whilst the infected person did attend the event, Queensland Health have stated that event is now beyond the maximum incubation period and that if people associated with the wrestling event have remained well, they should have no concerns. However, if you have signs of respiratory illness, please contact 13HEALTH or your medical provider immediately.”

Pro Wrestling Power issued a statement on Facebook.

“It has been announced that there is a workplace connection to the people that were in attendance of our event that have tested positive for covid-19 and the risk to public safety is considered low. If any of our fans have any concerns or are feeling unwell please call 13HEALTH and speak with a medical professional.”

The event featured a “Toilet Roll On A Pole” match, poking fun at the recent shortage of toilet paper due to panic buying caused by the pandemic.

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