David Starr Issues Response To Sexual Assault Allegations

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Independent wrestler David Starr issued a lengthly response to allegations made against him from a former partner.

The woman, whose name is Victoria had a relationship with Starr several years ago, and posted messages between the two on social media.

In the message she made sexual assault allegations, stating “You rape woman and you gaslight them after”.



David Starr released the following response to the actuations, indicating he is not a sexual predator, rather an awful partner.

If this is the end of wrestling for me, that’s ok. I know I’m not a predator and I know the truth of this situation. I know that I’ve learned from my wrongdoings. There’s no sense in going on the offensive. No matter what I say, I’m the bad guy. No pity party. It is what it is.

You can read his lengthily response below.


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