Backstage Atmosphere At WWE TV Tapings Described As “Total Clown Show” is reader-supported. When you click on links or make purchases through our site, we or our affiliated partners may earn a commission. Additionally, our site features Sponsored Content, which helps us maintain and operate the website.


Over the last 48 hours WWE has had to make a number of decisions to continue to tape television for the next week.

According to Wrestlevotes, the backstage atmosphere at the Performance Center is said to be a “total clown show”.

A text message from a source was shared on Twitter today reading.

How can I put this nicely: a complete, unbelievable lack of leadership, full blown CLUSTERF*CK. They should be embarrassed. Total clown show

WWE canceled SmackDown tapings scheduled today due to time constraints caused by waiting for COVID-19 test results. The company scheduled television tapings 11 a.m, but didn’t begin until after 12.

WWE completed COVID-19 testing Tuesday, with no positive tests known as of this writing.

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