WWE Talent Unhappy With ‘Friends And Family’ Being Allowed At TV Tapings

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During this week’s WWE television tapings select friends and family were permitted to attend.

According to PWInsider Elite (subscription required), a number of WWE talent and staff were not happy with the extra audience members attending the closed set.

WWE management reportedly did not make an announcement to talent and staff that extras would be in attendance, and many of them found out when they made their way to the ring, or walking past them backstage.

One source indicated that WWE traces everyone who enters the building, knowing which locations they have been to before each taping. These questions are reportedly asked during a questionnaire prior to entering the building

“When medical tests us, they can trace where we have come and gone, we don’t know where these people have been or will go”

WWE issued a statement Tuesday following reports that fans were in attendance, stressing these were select friends and family who were required to participate in medical screens prior to entering the building.



WWE resumed television tapings Wednesday, with friends and family in attendance.

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