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AEW Working On Bringing Riho Back Soon

Top AEW women’s superstar Riho has not been seen working for the promotion since last March, a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the travel restrictions that have come with it. However, it appears AEW is attempting to bring back their first ever women’s champion, possibly for the recently announced women’s title tournament.

According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Riho could return to AEW as early as February, although there are still some difficulties due to Japan’s strict quarantining process. The report notes that she wouldn’t necessarily have to move to the United States to wrestle for AEW, but it would make things much easier. As a comparison, PAC still lives in the United Kingdom, and was finally able to make his return to AEW towards the tail end of 2020.

Riho last wrestled for AEW in February of 2020 where she dropped the women’s championship to Nyla Rose. The 23-year old recently concluded her working relationship with STARDOM in Japan, which indicated to many that she would potentially become a full-time AEW superstar.

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