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Disturbing details have emerged following a hostage attempt on WWE star Sonya Deville this past weekend inside her home.
Deville filed a protective order against Philip Thomas II Monday, which provided new details on her face-to-face encounter early Sunday morning. The Tampa Bay Times have revealed details from the filing.
“What are doing, what do you want?” Deville yelled at Thomas, standing four feet away from him. “That is when I realized this person was not here to rob me, he was there to hurt me,” She states Thomas was holding a knife and pepper spray walking towards her.
The filing includes a number of threatening messages Thomas sent via social media, including one message from inside her porch.
Deville says she went to bed around 1:15 a.m, and was woken up by her security alarm at 2:41 a.m. She ran to a keypad near her garage to disarm the system, which showed a family room door as open.
At the time of the incident, Deville’s friend, and opponent at WWE SummerSlam, Mandy Rose was staying at her house. As Thomas walked towards her, she ran to wake Rose up, and alerted her that a man was inside the house.
“There’s a man in the house, we have to go,” Deville told Rose. The two went to the garage, and left in in Rose’s car. She then called 911 from outside her home, advising them of the man inside her house.

Deville later watched security footage, and saw Thomas had followed her, “but he thought I ran up the stairs, leaving me and my friend just enough time to escape.”
Authorities provided Deville the name of the man who broke into her house, she typed his name into her Instagram, and found hundreds of messages from him dating back to March 2019.
“The nature of the messages from this account were obsessive, suicidal, idolizing, saying, ‘You are the only person I will ever love,’ ” Deville stated. She also revealed a second account, with no profile photo was sending similar messages beginning on July 5.
The last message from his account was delivered 12:16 a.m. Sunday: “Look outside, baby, by your pool. I’m here. I’m gonna kill that little b—- you have inside with you.”
“I found your home address,” one message said, including the address to her home. In other messages, he threatened to decapitate or go after her friends, which he named. One message included a photo of a penis.
“I’m a public figure with a social media following of almost 1 million so all his messages were in my ‘request’ folder, which is filled with thousands of messages from people I do not follow,” Deville stated in the filing.
A judge granted Deville’s request for a temporary injunction against stalking violence, which she hand wrote and filed.
According to a prosecuting motion, Thomas intended to keep Deville hostage, preventing her from attending a planned event schedule the following week. He said he would not leave her residence “without her answering all of his questions”.
Thomas remains in jail on charges of armed kidnapping, aggravated stalking and armed burglary of a dwelling, which are all felonies, and criminal mischief, a misdemeanor.