#FireVelveteenDream Trends On Twitter, Petition Started To Fire NXT Star

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Following his victory Wednesday during NXT on USA, fans begin to petition for WWE to fire Velveteen Dream, using the hashtag #FireVelveteenDream.

This comes shortly after Triple H stated during a NXT media call, the WWE had moved on in investigating allegations levied against the NXT star.

“Obviously we take all of these things very seriously, allegations, misconduct, of any nature. I’ll stand by what I said on CBS, we looked into it, we didn’t find anything there, in a manner of what we were looking for, and we’ve moved on, but it doesn’t change the fact that we take it seriously, if there is something else there, we’ll look into it, that goes across the board for anybody, but we’ve already talked about it, so I’d rather just move on to other topics”

The hashtag began gaining traction after one of his accusers re-posted a conversation he allegedly had with Velveteen Dream this past April. The accuser stated WWE never contacted him during the investigation. Two other accusers also began re-posting evidence against the NXT star.

The hashtag continued to trend into Thursday morning, reaching the top 10 in the United States. An online petition was also started, asking WWE to do a through investigation into allegations against Velveteen Dream.

Shortly after the screenshots were posted in April, Velveteen Dream denied the allegations, “Be assured I did not communicate inappropriately with anyone. A private photo of mine was shared without my consent or knowledge and I am working with a third party to look into this matter.”

Velevteen Dream is scheduled to compete in the North American Championship Ladder Match at this Saturday’s NXT Takeover: XXX on the WWE Network.

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