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Jeff Hardy Opens Up About WWE Using Addictions Issues In Storyline

Jeff Hardy’s real-life addictions were not off limits as part of a storyline with Sheamus over the last few months.

In a recent interview with the Daily Star, Jeff Hardy spoke on WWE blurring the lines between his real life struggles, shedding light on it for a storyline.

Hardy defended WWE’s decision, believing there would be a great outcome in the end.

“The stuff with Sheamus that’s happened most recently, I knew there was a great outcome in it. I knew that bar fight was going to be cinematic and good.” Hard stated. “All the stuff building up to that match, I just knew the outcome was going to be fantastic. And it’s good to face challenges like that because there’s so much negativity in the world.”

“Hopefully I’m doing that through the television screen and helping people I’ll never know.”

Many fans were critical on WWE’s decision to move forward with the storyline, Hardy admits he hasn’t paid attention to social media.

“I’m not a social media guy at all, I don’t read comments or the negativity of people who thought it was wrong or that [WWE] were treating me [badly], I don’t read any of that.” Hardy said. “I’m just confident in myself to get through it, and when I get a feeling that something’s going to be good, I just run with it.”

He did admit the segment with the car crash outside the WWE Performance Center was heavy, but believes overcoming real life struggles will be reflected through his on-screen character.

“There was some heavy stuff there in the beginning, especially with the wreck scenario. It was just very heavy stuff. Hardy said. “Throughout all of that, so long as I can continue to do good, especially with this, my last chance to get it right, it is going to inspire people around the world that I’ll never meet, that need to stay sober to survive.

Hardy spoke on the creative process in putting the Bar Fight on SmackDown together, revealing he had an instrumental part in the creative for the match.

“When the idea of the bar match was thrown out there, I wrote up a whole script of how the match would possibly go. Most of it never happened, but I do love [doing] that.” Hardy stated. “A lot of that stuff I said in that first meeting of me and Sheamus in the bar was stuff I actually wrote… it felt good to have ideas that they liked and bring them to life, just from being involved in the recovery world.”

Quotes courtesy of The Daily Star.


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