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Two Lawsuits Filed By Joey Ryan Dismissed
Joseph Meehan, better known in wrestling circles as Joey Ryan had two cases dismissed within the past week, one against a ‘Speaking Out’ accuser.
On 1/7, Judge Michael W. Fitzgerald dismissed Meehan’s case against a woman who made accusations last summer. Last month, the judge issued a warning stating the case will be dismissed due to “lack of prosecution”. Meehan had until 12/23 to respond to the order, or it would be dismissed on 12/29.
According to court documents obtained by HeelByNature.com, Meehan did not file documentation to support his case, resulting in the judge ordering the case be dismissed.

On 1/4, a California judge dismissed Meehan’s case against former ROH wrestler Pelle Tsichilis, aka Pelle Primeau. That case has now been transferred to the Eastern District of Pennsylvania US District Court, and has been assigned to a judge as of 1/6.
Plaintiff has failed to demonstrate that Defendant’s alleged actions were purposely aimed at California.
Joey Ryan still has multiple outstanding lawsuits in the court system, one filed against IMPACT Wrestling for allegedly breaching his contract, as well as two against women who have made accusations against him.