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Using material which is usually reserved for traditional Lucha Libre masks and costumes, a former CMLL wrestler is now producing Luchador themed face masks amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
In an interview with ESPN Mexico,El Hjio de Soberano began producing face masks after sales of wrestler costumes declined.
“Last week we had a very difficult time, there were no sales at all, and my wife says to me: ‘Why don’t we make faceĀ masks ?’ So we made some, but using the material we had for the costumes. We use the lycra and the fabrics that are used in the wrestling suit makings, they have double stitching, fabric reinforcement. It is the same as a wrestling mask, this is how we are making them”
El Hijo de Doberano sells designs associated with legendary Lucha Libre stars, including Blue Demon and El Santo for 150 Mexican pesos ($6), with orders coming from all over Mexico.

Doberano and his family usually produce wrestling costumes with clients all over Central America and the United States.
As of this writing Doberano is unsure if he will be shipping masks to the United States, but orders can be placed via Whatsapp 8711273188 and 8713962471.