Missing WWE Star Backstage At Monday Night RAW (Possible Spoiler)

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Mustafa Ali Backstage At RAW

After several months of not working, an absent WWE star is backstage at the Monday Night RAW tapings in Orlando, FL.

According to PWInsider, Mustafa Ali is at today’s television tapings after behind quietly moved to the RAW roster several weeks ago.

Mustafa Ali has not been on television since December, working a match a match alongside Shorty G against The Revival on Friday Night SmackDown.

He worked a number of dark matches following his last television appearance, the most recent being in early February against Drew Gulak.

Mustafa Ali was at one point planned to be the person behind the SmackDown ‘Hacker’ character. That storyline has seemingly disappeared.

WWE is taping two weeks of Monday Night RAW today, including tonight’s episode. They are also taping WWE Main Event and RAW Talk.

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