NXT Creative Team Update, Unhappiness In Losing Ratings War To AEW

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WWE recently added a number of new writers to their creative team, specifically for the NXT brand. Last week, PWInsider reported that the company added 2-3 new writers for the weekly NXT show.

In an update from Dave Meltzer in the latest edition of The Wrestling Observer, WWE moved three writers from main roster programming when NXT moved to USA last September. They have now added two others, one who was a former writer, who has now returned to the company, and the other who is someone moved to NXT from the main writing team.

Historically, NXT used writing staff from the main roster, who helped with their weekly show. Since moving to USA Network, NXT was provided three exclusive writers, and now has five in total.

Unhappiness In Losing Ratings War To AEW

The report also notes the unhappiness in the company from losing the ratings war every week to All Elite Wrestling.

“Although nobody will say it, there is a lot of unhappiness about losing in the ratings every week,” Meltzer stated. “The unhappiness shouldn’t be losing as much as the complete inability to draw those under 50”

NXT has historically drawn lower numbers in all demographics in comparison to AEW Dynamite. WWE continues to have a stronghold on the 50+ demographic, but isn’t a segment of the audience WWE is trying to secure.


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