Police Searching For Suspect Who Stole Items From WWE ThunderDome

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Several Items Stolen From WWE ThunderDome

The University Of South Florida Police Department is asking the public’s assistance in identifying a man who stole several items from the WWE ThunderDome, inside The Yeungling Center.

On 6/5, a BOLO (Be on the Lookout) was issued, including photos of the suspect who appears to have items in his hand that are property of the WWE.

The incident on 5/22 between 12:19 am and 1:58 am.

On the above date and time, the unidentified suspect pictured below, removed several items from inside the Yuengling Center belonging to the WWE. The suspect below is seen wearing a red shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers. He appears to be a H/M between the ages of 25-30 with brown hair, a mustache and light goatee. If information about the suspect is ascertained, please contact the USD Police Department at 813-973-2628.

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