Possible MAJOR Spoiler For Tonight’s WWE TLC

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Potential Spoiler Ahead Of Tonight’s WWE TLC PPV

The WWE creative team were asked to create ideas for a possible Miz cash in on tonight’s TLC, according to a report from WrestleVotes.

The past few months of WWE television has seen The Miz tease Drew McIntyre over possibly cashing in his Money In The Bank Briefcase alongside his tag team partner John Morrison. However there were plans for the cash in to actually take place on tonight’s TLC PPV, WrestleVotes reports.


WrestleVotes noted that over the past few days, the WWE creative team have been directed to create some ideas for a Miz cash in on Drew McIntyre during tonight’s TLC PPV, however they reportedly ‘all sucked’. It was also noted that the creative issues ‘aren’t exclusively on Vince’.

It remains to be seen whether WWE decides to have The Miz cash-in tonight.

Over the past day or so the creative team was directed to come up with ideas for a Miz cash in tonight on McIntyre and according to a source, “they all sucked”. The issues creatively aren’t exclusively on Vince.

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